Saturday, April 12, 2008

I have to be the Glue

Yes, it's there... you have to look close! I think another one might soon be coming in. He was the fussiest little thing today, nothing made him happy. Poor guy, went to sleep with no problem what so ever then about an hour later woke up screaming! And boy do I mean SCREAMING! Mitch and I both went in, I tried rocking him for a little but when Mitch went to walk out of the room, Maddox started crying again and reached out for him. It hit me hard and took all I had to hold back the tears.

I am so glad that even with Mitch being gone so much of Maddox's life so far, that little boy still needs and wants his daddy! I'm not going to lie, it's going to be tough with Mitch leaving again... but I am the strong one in the family, who else will hold everything together...?

What is up with the weather in Kentucky?? Yesterday it was beautiful, today it was freezing!!!! I didn't even leave the house! (BBBRRRRR)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The weather in York isn't any better, shorts and t-shirts/tank tops yesterday, jeans and sweaters today!! Maddox is sooo adorable. Eat up every minute, you will miss the baby years, I do.