Sunday, March 30, 2008

Fort Campbell

Mitch and I are finally both in Fort Campbell. And let me tell you this base is huge, I'm seriously going to get lost more than once, or twice.... haha Maddox is still back in PA staying with my mom until the 5th.
We get the keys to our house on the 2nd and hopefully the movers will be down with our stuff around that same date. Keeping our fingers crossed!
Thats all for now, I'll keep everyone updated again as soon as I can!

Monday, March 24, 2008

Boxes, Boxes and more Boxes!

I hope everyone had a fantastic Easter!
For the most part it was just another day for me, busy getting ready for the movers to come and pack our life into many boxes. Maddox and I had dinner at my grandparents house, and it was "interesting". Whenever my family gets together the weirdest most off the wall topics come up, always good for a laugh!

Afterwards I headed home to do some last minute cleaning/packing before the morning. The movers packed the entire house (plus the shed) in what I thought was record time, it only took them two hours! Now our apartment is full of boxes, it's like walking through a maze. Tomorrow morning they come back to load everything up and then it's back to cleaning.
(Will it ever end?)

Mitch seems to be having a great time at Fort Campbell. He arrived Thursday night and found out they had a 4 day weekend due to the holiday. He has been spending his days getting to know the base and of course Nashville! I can't wait to join if down there, only 3 days away! That's all for now, have a GREAT day!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Flying South

Mitchell leaves tomorrow for Fort Campbell. I'll be driving him down to BWI in the afternoon and his flight leaves around 5:15pm. He should be arriving in Fort Campbell around 10:30pm. Please keep him in your prayers for a safe trip. The movers come on the 24th and the 25th to pack up the house and I will be leaving on the 27th. I'll be staying down there for about a week and then heading back to gather more items. Maddox and I will then take the trip down to be with Mitchell. If you would like to get a hold of me before I leave, now is the time to do it.

We Love you ALL!
And we are already looking forward to coming home and visiting with everyone.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

More To Come

Well, this is my first post to the blog. I'm just learning and getting the hang of it so bear with me. I will keep updates on here so everyone back home can check it out and leave us comments. I hope everyone finds this helpful with keeping in touch. Any tips on how to make this blog better, please let us know! Thanks