Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Flying South

Mitchell leaves tomorrow for Fort Campbell. I'll be driving him down to BWI in the afternoon and his flight leaves around 5:15pm. He should be arriving in Fort Campbell around 10:30pm. Please keep him in your prayers for a safe trip. The movers come on the 24th and the 25th to pack up the house and I will be leaving on the 27th. I'll be staying down there for about a week and then heading back to gather more items. Maddox and I will then take the trip down to be with Mitchell. If you would like to get a hold of me before I leave, now is the time to do it.

We Love you ALL!
And we are already looking forward to coming home and visiting with everyone.


Ryan Sr., Vicki, Ryan Jr., and Preston said...

Hey Guys,
Good luck during your move, and drive safely!!

Howie said...

Hi Robyn just setting pp account up