Sunday, April 13, 2008

Am I on another planet?!?

The other day Mitch and I went to Subway to get some dinner. I ordered a seafood sub (yes, I know... but they are so yummy!) We got to the end and he asked "Would you like anything else on your sub?" I replied "Lettuce and Old Bay, please." And then I couldn't believe my ears! "What? What's old bay???" Are you kidding me, you don't have old bay!!! The guy has never heard of putting old bay on a seafood sub and they don't even keep it in the subway restaurants down here! I was blown away, thought I was on another planet for a minute. Then Mitch reminded me that we were far from any ocean and seafood/old bay is not huge in the south.

No crab shacks? What am I going to do??? I'm thinking of carrying old spice in my purse from now on, who knows when the craving for those delicious subway seafood subs might hit!


Sue Kloepfer said...

Your blogspot is great. I passed it on to Jamie Coy if she wanted to read yours.Please keep us all updated, it makes you seem that much closer.
Love mom

Jamie said...

Hi, its Jamie. I just checked out your blog from your mom. :D
I hope you can get a hold of some Old Bay! Honestly, the first time I ate it was when I moved out here. I had never heard of it before. But once you have it, it is the only way to eat seafood. Good luck on your quest! :D